Tutorial 3

A Gis methodology for defining potential limits to urbanization

The tutorial presents a GIS based procedure for the definition of potential limits to urbanization. The exercise is based on a methodology developed by Iacopo Zetti and Fabio Lucchesi, Department of Architecture, Università degli Studi di Firenze, within the Prin 2010 Project “Postmetropoli” Post-metropolitan territories as emergent forms of urban space: coping with sustainability, habitability and governance. Further information are available at the following link.

The methodology produces a spatial mask showing the potential limits to urbanization, to future urban growth and to settlement systems transformation taking into account different spatial constraints. In particular, the mask is composed by the spatial integration of the following conditions:

  • Slope with a declivity > 10 %
  • Internal water bodies
  • Swamps and humid areas
  • Protected areas (National and regional Parks, Eu special protection areas, other local protected areas)
  • High agricultural value, according to the Lombardia region classification of agricultural soils

Each condition is represented by one spatial layer according to specific data sources. The idea is that when at least a condition is verified, a potential limit to urbanization occurs. The spatial combination of the spatial conditions produces a new mask that can be used for further analysis and spatial operations.